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About Us

Our Vision :

"At Amsu, our vision is to revive and celebrate the age-old tradition of complete hand-made clothing, paying homage to India's rich textile heritage. We are dedicated to crafting sustainable garments using indigenous cotton, hand-spinning techniques, and traditional handlooms. By embracing natural processes, we aim to inspire a transformative shift towards a more conscious and environmentally-friendly fashion industry."

Our Mission :

"To provide our customers with the finest handcrafted products, Amsu is on a mission to research, revive, and establish the traditions of handmade clothing. We are dedicated to preserving our rich textile heritage and promoting sustainable practices. By offering exceptional craftsmanship, authenticity, and a deep connection to our cultural roots, we aim to inspire our customers to embrace the beauty of handmade clothes and contribute to a more conscious and responsible fashion industry."

Our Story :

In 2016, Anirudh and Hemanth, driven by their shared passion for organic agriculture, embarked on a remarkable journey that gave birth to Amsu. Their unwavering commitment to sustainability and their deep-rooted concern for the chemical-laden cotton industry propelled them forward, determined to create a brand that would redefine the fashion landscape.

Their vision was not just to produce clothing, but to craft a movement that would inspire conscious choices and celebrate the beauty of handmade textiles. Amsu became their platform to showcase the extraordinary potential of indigenous cotton, hand spinning, and handweaving, breathing life into forgotten art forms and preserving cultural heritage.

Through relentless research and exploration, they discovered the immense power of indigenous cotton for sustainable farming practices. Recognizing the crucial role, it played in promoting biodiversity and reducing the ecological footprint, they became steadfast advocates for its revival.

Their quest led them to the doorsteps of talented handloom weavers in remote villages across South India, Maharashtra, and West Bengal. They witnessed the challenges faced by these artisans, as centuries-old traditions were threatened by the rise of mechanization. But in the eyes of adversity, they saw an opportunity to make a difference.

With Amsu, they formed meaningful partnerships, empowering weavers and ensuring fair trade practices. They created a platform that celebrated the remarkable skills of these artisans, honoring their dedication, creativity, and centuries of craftsmanship. Together, they breathed new life into the fading embers of the handloom industry.

During the trying times of the pandemic, Amsu stood by its weavers, supporting them through every hurdle. They embraced the spirit of collaboration, fostering a sense of community and resilience. As the world faced uncertainty, Amsu unveiled the "Honest White Shirt," a symbol of hope, purity, and the indomitable human spirit. It became a testament to the remarkable journey they had undertaken, connecting the hands of artisans to the hearts of customers who cherished the beauty of conscious craftsmanship.

Guided by the wisdom and expertise of Mrs. Bina Rao, a renowned designer, Amsu is poised to take its vision to new heights. The upcoming collection, borne out of a harmonious blend of tradition, innovation, and sustainability, is a testament to the brand's commitment to pushing boundaries and reimagining fashion.

Amsu aspires to be more than just a brand; it aims to be a catalyst for change. It strives to ignite a global movement, where fashion becomes a force for positive impact. By promoting ethical practices, embracing sustainable materials, and celebrating the stories behind each garment, Amsu seeks to inspire individuals worldwide to make conscious choices that benefit both the planet and its people. With every stitch and every thread, Amsu weaves a story of hope, resilience, and empowerment. It invites us all to join in the journey of sustainable fashion, where style and substance intertwine, and where our choices have the power to shape a better future. Together, let us embrace Amsu and become part of a movement that celebrates craftsmanship, honors tradition, and leads the way towards a more sustainable and inclusive world.